In Home Personal Training.
We come to your home or office in the Greenwich, Stamford, Norwalk, Darien, Westport, and CosCob areas of Connecticut.First we'll measure your body-fat percentage and/or take your anthropometric measurements, then we'll evaluate your caloric needs and add you to our fitness app for coordinated tracking and communication. Through our fitness app we'll also be able to give you workouts, yoga routines and stretching that you can perform on your own in addition to our at home fitness training. Once we assess you physically we will discuss your goals and use the combined information to make a personal fitness routine, and optionally, a nutritional plan of action or a gut microbiome testing and advising service. You'll have appointed times and a motivated trainer to keep you on track and vary your routine to prevent stagnancy. We have monthly and prepaid personal trainer package plans available. Both include online nutritional guidance and exercise/fitness tracking tools, with online support via our app. We also recommend Lumen (use code PoshFitness for 20% off) to monitor your fat burning state and to optimize caloric and macronutrient needs. Please get in touch about our rates with the link below, but typically in home and at the gym training starts at $95 per 60 minute session.
If you'd like to get started please fill out our mandatory PAR-Q and You form and send it back to us via email. Thanks!
Call or text Peter at 917-783-0609.
or Get In Touch →At the Gym Personal Training.
We also offer at the gym personal training at Greenwich Fitness in Greenwich CT.Whether you want to get ready for an event, increase muscle mass/tone, lose bodyfat or you're conditioning for better sports performance we can help you! We can also work with your doctor to ensure your health is optimal.
You can always train at your home one day and at the gym another. You pay no membership fees at any gyms and the cost is always the same for you.
If you would like to add a weight loss program to your training we offer the use of our coaching and fitness app with meal planning. Each meal plan shows your macros and comes with recipes! Sign up here!
Kettlebell & Steel Club Training

Unlike many exercises with dumbbells or barbells, kettlebell and steel club exercises engage the entire body. Kettlebell & steel club exercises are inherently holistic; therefore they work several muscles simultaneously and may be repeated continuously for many more repetitions than traditional exercises except for short breaks necessary due to an increased heart rate. This combination makes the exercise feel aerobic and more similar to High-intensity interval training rather than to traditional weight lifting. In one study, kettlebell enthusiasts performing a 20 minute snatch workout were measured to burn, on average, 13.6 calories/minute aerobically and 6.6 calories/minute anaerobically during the entire workout - "equivalent to running a 6-minute mile pace". [1]
It makes sense then that with such little equipment you can do a massively effective in home workout with a Certified Kettlebell Instructor & steel club expert. Read Peter's article about steel club training on Livestrong.com. If you'd like a steel club workout you can buy one for $19 here. Here are some of the benefits of Kettlebell Training
Increased calorie burning
Total body workout
Little space necessary to workout
Better balance
Increased core involvement and conditioning
HIIT Training

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a form of cardiovascular exercise. Usual HIIT sessions may vary from 10–30 minutes. These short, intense workouts provide improved athletic capacity and condition, improved glucose metabolism, improved fat burning and may prevent the risk of cardiovascular disease.[2]
HIIT is considered to be an excellent way to maximize workout time effiency.[3].
Benefits of HIIT Training
Increased calorie burning
Can be executed in 15-25 minutes
Little space necessary to workout
Better cardiovascular conditioning
Increases your energy over time
May prevent aging
TRX/Suspension Training
TRX training is a specific type of training that inorporates the TRX/Suspension trainer home fitness system. This will allow you to do many gym quality exercises while using your own body weight as the resistive force. It has the increased benefit of involving the bodies core more than a machine would at a gym, thereby making it a more functional excercise. All you need is a door that locks or closes tightly to get started, we'll take care of the TRX. If you would like to purchase a suspension trainer go here.
Balance Training
Balance training is training meant to improve an individuals ability to withstand the challenges of destabilizing stimuli caused by self-imposed motion, the environment, or objects. This is essential for both athletes and older adults trying to stay balanced and fit in their senior years. Balance training is incorporated in most routines, but special attention is given to the aging population and athletes.